Pictures at an Exhibition

“Whatever you do, don’t cut yourself,” exhorted Leo sternly.

All of the photographs were originals, not reproductions. They were mounted in floating glass frames, the kind with only glass, no wood or metal around the borders. The glass edges were not beveled.

Great blue heron in the cove, foraging.

Great blue heron in the cove, foraging.

My first paying photography gig was hanging a Diane Arbus exhibit, for minimum wage. I was at university taking a course in graphic design then, and I was thrilled by the exposure to her work first-hand. The job was a nail-biter though – the edges of the glass were extremely sharp and there was a high risk of getting cut and bleeding on the art that could have ruined her work. It was intense but so rewarding, and no blood was shed that show.

Fast forward to a few years ago. The photo in this post was one of the cornerstone pieces in a one-woman show I had. As you can see, there’s no evidence of Arbus’ influence in that photo.


The day of my artist reception, I spent some time sitting outside on a bench before going inside to meet & greet gallery visitors. I sat there under the trees, composing myself and enjoying the dappled sunlight when i felt it.


A present from an overhead bird landed on my shoulder, anointing me with sacred bird poo, an ironic baptism for a bird photographer.

I think Arbus would have appreciated the irony.


Thanks to Paula and WordPress for the Thursday’s Special Non-Challenge Challenge nudge.

And thanks also to Michelle for the Weekly Pet Challenge Roundup nudge.


(This photo was taken July 14, 2007)

© 2013 Babsje. (

Posted on October 10, 2013, in ardea herodias, Art, Bird photography, daily prompt, Great Blue Heron, Michelle's Weekly Pet Challenge, Nature Photography, postaday, Thursday's Special, Weekly Photo Challenge, Wildlife Photography and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. Thank you for taking part in TS Babsje 🙂 It is a magnificent bird!

  2. Oh my word! Well, thank goodness it was your shoulder and not your hair!
    Beautiful heron image ~


    • You know, until you mentioned it just now, it hadn’t occurred that it could have landed in my hair!! Glad you liked the heron. Thanks for your comment, it brought a smile.

  3. A reminder that while you make beautiful art with your camera and herons, birds are really real! Funny story and lovely, quiet photo.

    • What a good observation in your comment. Yes, the herons are really real, and they have a sense of humor. Glad you liked this heron photo, and thanks for your kind words.

  4. Babs, I love that photo at the beginning of this post. As you know, I am a “heron” person, too, albeit not 100% GBHs like you. But I photograph the Great Blues whenever I have a chance. I hope that photo brought you some income at that show. I used to do several shows each year, but now it is too much work for me. However, my sales of my work continue, as does the sale of my book. I really love following your blog. 🙂

  5. I live on the Gulf of Mexico and we see many Herons. The blues are few and far between, but so beautiful when they appear. This site is special.

    • Thanks for your kind words, I’m glad that you like this blog. You’re fortunate to live on the Gulf – there are many fantastic birds there. Thanks again for visiting and commenting here!

  6. Lovely pictures, Babsje 🙂

  7. Exquisitely magnificent Great Blue Heron. The composition is perfect.
    Love the color play of the heron against the leaves.
    Fantastic ….

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